Wednesday 17 July 2013

Today is the launch of my  website, blog and facebook page. It's been an exciting journey - and I know that all the baby boomers out there will appreciate a travel site with them in mind. The baby boomer demographic is poised to be the biggest market for travel. We have time in retirement, a little bit of money to spend on travel, more flexibility and freedom. Join Stephen and me as we take you on a range of adventures - some we've already been on, and some new ones as we head off to explore more of the world.

Whether we are exploring South America (that's Fionna with a condor)

or buying the sweetest, juiciest watermelon in  Allahabad, Northern India;

Visiting the silk district in Varanasi, India;

Or wandering around Barcelona enjoying Gaudi's masterpieces; it's bound to be fun.