Monday 12 August 2013

Why Kim Kardashian will never be any good at baby boomer budget travel

As a new blogger, I’ve been looking for ideas and knowledge about building a great site, improving content and reaching my target audience.  I established experiential traveller primarily for baby boomers who travel – those just starting out on a belated OE (Overseas Experience, if you are not a Kiwi) as well as the well-travelled ones like Stephen and me.
Today I attended a webinar hosted by Derek Halpern of  and it was really interesting. He talked about the 3 most common mistakes of bloggers, and he posed the question (somewhat paraphrased) – What do my readers really want to know, and what will help them  most? And then I received an email from Ryan Deiss, at  who helps people publish ebooks (including me), and he sent a link for a content  idea generator.
I put the two concepts together, and wrote “baby boomer budget  travel” in the content generator. The title of today’s blog is the result.
I’m sure this thought has been burning in the back of all my readers’ minds and I’m expecting to generate loads of traffic, either supporting or refuting the statement!
Now, I have to be honest here. I’ve never watched Kim Kardashian on TV. My daughter had to explain who she was – and I haven’t yet figured out why she and her family became famous, as they haven’t actually done anything miraculous have they? Anything at all remotely useful related to travel?  Anything I could discuss that actually related to my topic?
I consulted Dr Goggle. Google reported 127 million (yes, really) results when I searched on “Kim Kardashian travel style”. Of all those 127 million results, 127 million of them were about clothes.   By the way, if you’d like a Louis Vuitton duffle bag like the one Kim is carrying in the photograph, you can get it online.
But to get back to my story, I couldn’t find anything that justified her famousness, nor that of her family. Not even when I searched on “Kim Kardashian travel inventions”. That came up with nothing.
No weaving  of  a magic flying carpet that eliminates border delays – especially at LAX - in the basement of one of her fashionable homes? Creating a new type of probe that the world could use when travelling to Mars to locate water? Inventing a foolproof method of teleporting perhaps. No?  Well, what about a designer saddle for two hump camels that makes touring in Egypt a comfortable ride? Not a cracker.
So, to get back to my story, was there anything that I could tell my readers about Kim Kardashian? Yes. From my research, I learned that Kim pairs loose and comfortable items with more fashionable ones to create a chic and practical ensemble for flying. Now that really is sensible travel information. And another great idea  is her Louis Vuitton Keepall  55  Deffle Bag. It's a stunningly useful travel bag, even if it does come at a price. What’s even better, go to my website,    and you can buy it!
I also learned that Kim has than more than 100 pairs of Louboutins in their own walk in closet. Although Louboutins aren’t exactly sensible travel shoes.
Which is why Kim Kardashian will never be any good at baby boomer budget travel.  She will never be a baby boomer, for a start. I doubt she will ever travel budget. I’m pretty sure she has never considered weighing her bags to make sure they are under the first class travel limit. Loubutins don't look so good with backpacks, some style failure there.  Even when she gets to the age that we baby boomers are now, I don’t expect she will be checking, or the Entertainment Book for bargains.
That’s just fine by me! Less competition for all those great cheap fun deals that are being offered at the moment.  And she’s not likely to buy up all those sensible French walkers that I like – that my daughter considers totally gross, “old-lady” shoes, but I find extremely comfortable. So there won't be any style competition between her and myself.